Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Department of Philosophy - Philosophy, Science and the Sciences

Workshop: Knowledge, Belief, and Logos in Plato

  • When May 28, 2015 10:00 to May 29, 2015 02:30
  • Where Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Hannoversche Str. 6, room 1.03
  • iCal

Plato famously aligns knowledge with non-spatial objects, and belief with spatial objects. But why? In particular, what other Platonic commitments explain that one? This workshop will take those questions as central.


Thursday, 28 May 2015

10-11:45 Jonathan Beere (Humboldt-Universität)

Knowledge as Knowing How to Engage in Cross-Examination: the Sophist’s solution to the Theaetetus’s Impasse

13:15-15:00 Carrie Swanson (University of Iowa)

Relative vs. Normative Measurement in Plato's Protagoras

15:15-17:00 Whitney Schwab (University of Maryland Baltimore County)

Matters of Opinion vs. Matters of Fact in Plato's Republic


Friday, 29 May 2015

10-11:45 Joseph Barnes (Humboldt-Universität)

Teaching and persuasion

12:45-14:30 Katja Vogt (Columbia University)

Doxa in the Philebus