Women in Ancient Philosophy Workshop: Female Philosophers in Antiquity
- https://ancient-philosophy.hu-berlin.de/en/events/wiapmai2019
- Women in Ancient Philosophy Workshop: Female Philosophers in Antiquity
- 2019-05-03T10:00:00+02:00
- 2019-05-03T16:45:00+02:00
- When May 03, 2019 from 10:00 to 04:45
- Where Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Hannoversche Straße 6, room 3.03
Caterina Pellò (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin): Introduction to the Life and Works of the Pythagorean Women
-- Coffee break --
Discussion of Texts by Pythagorean Women
-- Lunch break --
Jana Schultz (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin): Introduction to the Life and Work of Neoplatonic Women
-- Coffee break --
Discussion of Texts about Neoplatonic Women
Um Anmeldung bei Ronja Hildebrandt (hildebrr@hu-berlin.de) wird gebeten. Der Workshop ist pre-read; alle Texte werden vorher an die Teilnehmer*innen verschickt.
Please register with Ronja Hildebrandt (hildebrr@hu-berlin.de). This is a pre-read workshop; all texts will be sent to the participants in advance.
This workshop is organized by Women in Ancient Philosophy and sponsored by the Research Training Group Philosophy, Science and the Sciences at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Our goal is to provide young and highly talented female philosophers with the opportunity to present their work and interact with each other.
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