A Conversation: Plato on firsthand and secondhand episteme; with Joseph Bjelde, Amber Carpenter, and Toomas Lott
- https://ancient-philosophy.hu-berlin.de/en/events/2019-07-12Conversation
- A Conversation: Plato on firsthand and secondhand episteme; with Joseph Bjelde, Amber Carpenter, and Toomas Lott
- 2019-07-12T14:00:00+02:00
- 2019-07-12T16:30:00+02:00
- When Jul 12, 2019 from 02:00 to 04:30
- Where Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Hannoversche Straße 6, room 3.03
- iCal
Amber Carpenter is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Yale-NUS, Toomas Lott is a research fellow of History of Philosophy at the University of Tartu; Joseph Bjelde is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.