2nd APSN Graduate Conference
Three-day conference at Berlin
- https://ancient-philosophy.hu-berlin.de/en/hpold/events-erfassung/APSN-graduate-conference-2012
- 2nd APSN Graduate Conference
- 2012-06-29T02:00:00+02:00
- 2012-07-01T06:00:00+02:00
- Three-day conference at Berlin
- When Jun 29, 2012 02:00 to Jul 01, 2012 06:00
- Where Berlin
- Attendees Agnes Callard (Chicago) John Cooper (Princeton) Jan Opsomer (Leuven) Liba Taub (Cambridge) Jennifer Whiting (Toronto) Arnold Brooks (Chicago) Wei Cheng (Berlin) Willie Costello (Toronto) Adam Crager (Princeton) Frank de Jonge (Berlin) Ana Laura Edelhoff (Berlin) Mareike Hauer (Leuven) Robert Howton (Toronto) Dhananjay Jagannathan (Chicago) Mor Segev (Princeton) Anders Dahl Sorensen (Berlin) Jonathan Beere (Berlin) Christoph Helmig (Berlin) Stephen Menn (Berlin) Christopher Shields (Oxford) Philip van der Eijk (Berlin)
Presentations by doctoral students from Cambridge, Chicago, Leuven, Princeton, Toronto, and Berlin. Sessions will be chaired by faculty members from the partner departments of the Ancient Philosophy & Science Network (APSN). The program is available here.