Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Department of Philosophy - Philosophy, Science and the Sciences

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Department of Philosophy | Philosophy, Science and the Sciences | hpold | Events | Guest lecture: Galen's Approach to Psychotherapy (Christopher Gill)

Guest lecture: Galen's Approach to Psychotherapy (Christopher Gill)

Galen's Approach to Psychotherapy by Christopher Gill

  • When Oct 14, 2014 from 06:15 to 08:00
  • Where Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Hannoversche Str. 6, room 1.03
  • iCal









Christopher Gill  is Emeritus Professor of Ancient Thought at Exeter University and stays currently in Berlin as a Topoi Fellow. A reading session related to this lecture will be held on Wednesday, October 15.

Here you can download the handout to the lecture.