Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Department of Philosophy - Philosophy, Science and the Sciences

Anders Dahl Sørensen


I concluded my doctoral studies in Berlin in 2014 with the dissertation Expertise on the Pnyx? Plato on Democracy and Political technē where I investigated the intersection between epistemology and political philosophy in Plato’s discussions of democracy. The dissertation was supervised by Prof. Jonathan Beere, and my second and third readers were Prof. Malcolm Schofield and Prof. Melissa Lane, respectively.

Current project and research interests:

I am currently working on a post-doc project at the SAXO institute, Department of Greek and Latin, University of Copenhagen. The project is titled Nomos or Demos? The rule of law and the power of the people in Greek political thought, and I will be investigating how reflections on law and the rule of law emerged as a vehicle for social criticism among the critics of democracy in fourth century Athens.

General research interests include: Greek political philosophy, Plato, Aristotle, political theory, ancient history



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