Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Department of Philosophy - Philosophy, Science and the Sciences

Linda Riley Ham

Dissertation Project

My dissertation focuses on Plato’s Philebus, a dialogue best known for its discussion of pleasure and its influence on Aristotle's ethics. It is, however, also a dialogue in which Plato discusses unity and plurality, and uses his method of collection and division, which is what my research focuses on. This method, which is used most famously in the Sophist and Statesman, is connected to both defining and naming. These two dialogues are also what most research on this topic focuses on. At the foundation of collection and division lie Plato’s ideas concerning unity and plurality, as collection and division consists of categorizing things in groups with similar things and separating those from the groups with dissimilar things.





Academic Education

since 2020          PhD candidate at Humboldt University Berlin, Department of Philosophy, Research Training Group “Philosophy, Science and the Sciences”

2018 – 2020       Master of Arts in Philosophy at University of Groningen
Thesis: Prodicus’ Theory of Language

2015 – 2018       Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy of a Specific Discipline at University of Groningen
Thesis: Why jurors lack knowledge: Plato’s Theaetetus 201a-c

2014 – 2017       Bachelor of Arts in Classics at University of Groningen
Thesis: Gorgias overtuigd zoals hij anderen overtuigt: een vergelijking tussen Gorgias en Plato’s Gorgias [Gorgias convinced like he convinces others: a comparison between Gorgias and Plato’s Gorgias]


since 2020          PhD candidate at Humboldt University Berlin, Department of Philosophy, Research Training Group “Philosophy, Science and the Sciences”

2018-2020          translator at University of Groningen

2018-2019          teaching assistant at University of Groningen

Academic Talks

05/2019              “Why Jurors Lack Knowledge: Plato’s Theaetetus 201a-c,” Groningen-Nijmegen Colloquium, University of Groningen


